You know you're awesome when people you don't even know hate you.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 3

Day 1: Your favorite song.
Day 2: A song that makes you cry
.Day 3: A song that makes you dance.
Day 4: Your favorite male singer.
Day 5: Your favorite female singer.
Day 6: Your favorite band.
Day 7: One band/singer you're ashamed to admit you like.
Day 8: One band/singer whose popularity you will never understand.
Day 9: A song that reminds you of an ex.
Day 10: A song that reminds you of your father.
Day 11: A song that reminds you of your mother.
Day 12: A song that makes you want to have sex.
Day 13: A song you sing in the shower.
Day 14: A song from the year you were born.
Day 15: A song you liked in high school.
Day 16: The first song in your mp3 folder.
Day 17: The last song in your mp3 folder.
Day 18: An instrumental song you like.
Day 19: Your favorite love song.
Day 20: Your favorite breakup song.
Day 21: A song that makes you want to break stuff.
Day 22: Your favorite song from a movie.
Day 23: Your favorite duet.
Day 24: Your favorite cover song.
Day 25: Your favorite song from 2010 (so far)
Day 26: Your favorite music video.
Day 27: One song in your mp3 folder you're pretty sure no one else has.
Day 28: One song that needs to never be played again.
Day 29: One song that gives you the creeps.
Day 30: A song you'd like played at your funeral.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 2

Day 1: Your favorite song.
Day 2: A song that makes you cry.Day 3: A song that makes you dance.
Day 4: Your favorite male singer.
Day 5: Your favorite female singer.
Day 6: Your favorite band.
Day 7: One band/singer you're ashamed to admit you like.
Day 8: One band/singer whose popularity you will never understand.
Day 9: A song that reminds you of an ex.
Day 10: A song that reminds you of your father.
Day 11: A song that reminds you of your mother.
Day 12: A song that makes you want to have sex.
Day 13: A song you sing in the shower.
Day 14: A song from the year you were born.
Day 15: A song you liked in high school.
Day 16: The first song in your mp3 folder.
Day 17: The last song in your mp3 folder.
Day 18: An instrumental song you like.
Day 19: Your favorite love song.
Day 20: Your favorite breakup song.
Day 21: A song that makes you want to break stuff.
Day 22: Your favorite song from a movie.
Day 23: Your favorite duet.
Day 24: Your favorite cover song.
Day 25: Your favorite song from 2010 (so far)
Day 26: Your favorite music video.
Day 27: One song in your mp3 folder you're pretty sure no one else has.
Day 28: One song that needs to never be played again.
Day 29: One song that gives you the creeps.
Day 30: A song you'd like played at your funeral.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 1

Song game. Every day, for 30 days, make a blog post reviewing the following.

Day 1: Your favorite song.   Day 2: A song that makes you cry.
Day 3: A song that makes you dance.
Day 4: Your favorite male singer.
Day 5: Your favorite female singer.
Day 6: Your favorite band.
Day 7: One band/singer you're ashamed to admit you like.
Day 8: One band/singer whose popularity you will never understand.
Day 9: A song that reminds you of an ex.
Day 10: A song that reminds you of your father.
Day 11: A song that reminds you of your mother.
Day 12: A song that makes you want to have sex.
Day 13: A song you sing in the shower.
Day 14: A song from the year you were born.
Day 15: A song you liked in high school.
Day 16: The first song in your mp3 folder.
Day 17: The last song in your mp3 folder.
Day 18: An instrumental song you like.
Day 19: Your favorite love song.
Day 20: Your favorite breakup song.
Day 21: A song that makes you want to break stuff.
Day 22: Your favorite song from a movie.
Day 23: Your favorite duet.
Day 24: Your favorite cover song.
Day 25: Your favorite song from 2010 (so far)
Day 26: Your favorite music video.
Day 27: One song in your mp3 folder you're pretty sure no one else has.
Day 28: One song that needs to never be played again.
Day 29: One song that gives you the creeps.
Day 30: A song you'd like played at your funeral.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Chris and I are AWESOME. 'Nuff said.

Lilith Hellmann 12:16 am were you making fun of my spelling?
Christopher Gaugler 12:18 am
'Not in the least actually.
I put it in parentheses to emphasis the sarcasm, that being anally-sodomized by sweaty old man and their wrinkly dicks is actually, surprisingly, NOT my most favorite thing in the world.
Lilith Hellmann 12:19 am
Christopher Gaugler 12:19 am
In fact, it's down there near the bottom with, 'Having my balls eaten by sharks.'
Lilith Hellmann 12:19 am
Or penguins.
That would blow too.
Christopher Gaugler 12:19 am
Again, not the sarcasm parentheses, or as I like to call them, sarcatheses.
Lilith Hellmann 12:19 am
Christopher Gaugler 12:19 am
Ugh...don't get me started on Penguins.
Christopher Gaugler 12:20 am
*Sad murrrr*
Lilith Hellmann 12:20 am
Atleast their suits make them look like classy little midgets.
While they're chompin' on yo junk.
They're climbing in your windows, snatching your junk up, trying to eat it.
So ya better hid your balls, hide your testes and hide your family jewels cause they're eatin' err ball out there.
You don't have to go to the north pole, they gonna find you.
Lilith Hellmann 12:22 am
And if you think you can, you are dumb. You are really dumb, for real.
So you can run and tell that, ho-ho-homeboy.
Christopher Gaugler 12:23 am
Don't you mean 'homoboy'? ;-)
Lilith Hellmann 12:23 am
Guilty conscience?
Christopher Gaugler 12:23 am
No, not really, just expected of you.
Lilith Hellmann 12:23 am
lots of u's=sarcasm.
Or as I like to call it- *dramatic pause*.......sarcasm.
Lilith Hellmann 12:25 am
if you're from germany, you're german.
if you're from poland, you're polish.
what's holland?
Christopher Gaugler 12:26 am
Ummm...I don't know.
Lilith Hellmann 12:26 am
is it dutch?
Lilith Hellmann 12:26 am
I gotta be right.
Cause where do the dutch come from?
hahahaha, omg, I'm o proud of myself!
Christopher Gaugler 12:27 am
OH BABY! I'm so proud of -wait, don't they came from Deutschelande? lol
Lilith Hellmann 12:28 am
Then the amish are dutch.
Because when you go to PA they're called Dutch-Amish.
Like, the area.
Beer and tramadol makes me a genius!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Bueno! Long have I been blogging, well over a decade at this point. Having started w/livejournal, branching into blogger once before, to deadjournal and then back to livejournal....oy! Maybe a fresh new start w/a new blog is just what I need!
This is just a little intro, obviously.

I'm Melissa. I'm 25, a Leo, and an artist. I draw, paint, sculpt, do nail art and much, MUCH more! I like to think of myself as an open minded, funny person.

This blog will be mostly about myself. I tend to hold nothing back so it can vary from art projects, to a raunchy sex story, then go of to how I spent the weekend w/ my wifey and kids. lol!

I invite you, friends and fiends alike, come! If you can handle the bipolar tendancies of a hyperactive, coffee-driven artist on her decent into madness, I bid you come along for the ride! If you can handle the best and worst, the utterly insane and inane, come! If you just want some variety some spice, and some random-COME!
And don't forget to bring your towel! :)